Dylan is standing!! Only for a few seconds at a time but he's standing! He's so big. He drives cars around on the floor on his hands and knees. He is climbing up onto everything. It's scary sometimes. He thinks he's at least 2!
ADVENTURES IN VACUUMING. We don't normally vacuum when the babies are awake but we did this day and this is what it looked like:
Here comes one kiddo...
And the other recent step into big boyhood... Dylan and Evan have moved on up to the front facing chair. They look so big in these chairs.
I never knew what to do with the third baby while we were in this park but a few of you suggested putting two together. For some reason that thought never even crossed my mind. So, yesterday we gave it a try. They are close to being too big for it but they sure liked it. And all three were able to swing at once. Aren't triplets fun? Don't you wish you had a set? :)