Evan has taken a few steps in a row now. He gets so excited to try that even when you hold his hands to try and balance him he pushes you away. And then he laughs the entire time he is doing it. It's very cute. I got a bit of video but I'll try to get a better one soon and put it up. I'll also get a few pictures up again one of these days!
Justin has been saying that he feels like the boys have turned a corner. From baby to little boy. I have to agree. There does seem to be a real difference lately. We are having tonnes of fun with them these days. It's pretty wild sometimes but everyone is happy so it's a good wild!
Justin has been saying that he feels like the boys have turned a corner. From baby to little boy. I have to agree. There does seem to be a real difference lately. We are having tonnes of fun with them these days. It's pretty wild sometimes but everyone is happy so it's a good wild!
My tip for when they really get moving...never wear slip-on shoes that will fly off easily as you chase the boys. I have done many a chase in my barefeet (ouch!!) because I didn't heed my own advice. LOL