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The Kids

I thought that today I would just write about some of the little things about our beautiful kids. The things that make them unique and incredibly adorable. They are just so so funny. I wish you could really see them. They are SO different too. Not a similarity between them.

Dylan has this deep throaty sound to his talking, laughing, crying. And he has such a distinct forceful walk. When I see him coming I can't help but dodge because he is likely going to just throw himself full force right at me. It's a little shocking if you don't see him coming. And he wants what he wants. He's determined and does not give up easily. I've seen him try over and over and over again until he can climb some new obstacle. He just does not give up.

Liam wobbles around like an old man looking for his walker. His hands are up in the air and he just toddles along and yet he can go SO fast. He is gentle and quiet but then he will be rough and tumble or just scream for the sake of hearing himself do it. He will make himself heard if necessary. He is also the one that wants to be held SO MUCH. Too much sometimes but if I cave in and give him that cuddle time then he feels better and will often go off and play again. He is also the one that will lean over and give us a big kiss. He even makes the kissy sound. Too cute.

Evan is never around. I'm always saying ' where is Evan?'. He'll be standing at the window just looking outside or playing - usually looking at books - in his room. He almost never cries to be picked up but if I come to him for cuddles he gets so happy it just melts my heart. He has the most fantastic smile - just adorable. He also loves to find a blanket on the ground and just curl up into it. He's almost as big as Dylan but he still seems more baby like to me in some ways.

Caden is all over the place. He's learning how to live in this world. He is finding his way around relationships and disappointments. He pushes our boundaries like any preschooler does but takes his discipline well and apologizes right away. He loves to play pretend with us and gives us hugs and kisses all the time. He is so social I just can't keep up. He loves having his friends over and is constantly asking to go to someone's house or to invite someone over. He is a great helper nowadays too. He usually helps vacuum after a meal with the little hand vac (we have carpet in the dining room remember) and he'll grab me a diaper or a soother when asked. One time he noticed Liam had a runny nose so he got a kleenex and tried to wipe it for him. He is pretty good with his brothers. He talks about how he loves them and he is starting to enjoy playing with them more too. Although sometimes he assists them in their endeavors. Like yesterday for example. I had moved all the bigger toys away from the playpen in the baby's room and sure enough Caden moved one of them back over so that Dylan could climb it and get into the playpen. And we keep the doors shut to the rooms that we don't want the kids in. Every so often Caden will open one for them. He thinks that is pretty funny. I do think though that those last few could be blamed on the cabin fever that we've got right now.

Speaking of cabin fever - we were going to try and do something last night - just to get everyone out of the house and wouldn't you know it - a tire on the van went. Justin spent the night at Canadian Tire spending money we didn't want to spend and waiting for the work to be done. It's not like I could go and pick him up and take him back. And without the van we are completely stranded. He didn't get home until the kids were in bed. So - we got a couple tires and maybe we'll get out for a bit tonight. Who knows! January is almost over (another positive?). I can't help but be happy about that. Even though it hasn't been all that bad really :)


Unknown said…
Thanks Jen, we love the updates!
Sheena said…
This was so wonderful to read! I sure miss you and your boys!

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