The health nurse came by today to weigh the boys for us. I thought I'd put some pictures up too.
Here's Dylan. He was 6 lbs when he was born and today he weighed 6 lbs 6.5 oz. YAY!!
Here's Dylan. He was 6 lbs when he was born and today he weighed 6 lbs 6.5 oz. YAY!!
Here's Evan. He was 5 lbs 4 oz when he was born and today he weighed 5 lbs 9.5 oz. He's doing well. He's eating better than he was and will cry when he's hungry now. Just a little sheep sound though "baaa". It's pretty cute.
This is Liam. He weighed 4 lbs 14 oz at birth and now he is 5 lbs 6 oz. He used to be 6 oz smaller than Evan and now there is only 3.5 oz difference. Way to go Liam!! He's still the squirmiest and definately cries when he's not happy. None of them really cry much though.
And the big guy. He's 32 lbs, in case you were wondering :). He really loves the babies and loves to play with them, especially when they are awake. He brings them toys and talks to them. I love it!
Have you seen the A & W commercial about the sirloin burger? I think it is kind of a cute commercial for you guys :)
You sound like things are going so well! So glad to hear it! I wonder when we'll be able to meet the new 3 Mooney;s!?
Liam looks scared in the first picture with the three of them together. Kinda funny!!
still counting down the days when we get to come for a visit! just so happy for your little family!