If Dylan can be described as having a zest for life, I think I would see Evan as being happy just to be alive. Loving Life. He can have a temper, especially when he really wants something that his brother has or when something bugs him, but overall, he is happy about everything and pretty easy going. I have even found him playing alone and giggling to himself. He still likes his alone time or quiet time. I still find him in one of the bedrooms just standing peacefully at the window looking outside. I wonder what he is thinking about? And now that I let the boys go up and down the back stairs, I've even found him just sitting downstairs on the chair, all by himself. As soon as he saw me he gave me a great big smile. He will always give a smile back when someone gives him one. And it's such a fantastic smile too. It uses his whole face and his eyes are all bright and happy.
Happy is just the word that I keep coming back to. He's happy to go outside. He's happy to play with his toys and his brothers. He's feisty though too. He knows what he wants and he'll fight for it. One of the things I really enjoy in my day is the reaction I get when I see Evan across the room or down the hall and I make eye contact with him and give him a smile. He lights right up, gives me that beautiful smile and cruises towards me to throw himself into my arms. AAAAHHHH super sweet.
I love to watch him play. He likes to put things into containers or to just tuck things somewhere. If I find a bunch of blocks in a boot - it was Evan. A pile of cars between the couch cushions - likely Evan. When he is done with his fruit or cheerios he'll put them all into the little built in cupholder in his high chair, all neat and tidy. Other times though he'll just throw them all on the floor - so you never know :)
Speaking of his high chair though - he's not eating much these days. He's pretty picky and I feel bad because I can't be making everybody something different so as long as he has a couple of choices on his plate - that's all he gets. He doesn't seem too upset though and he makes up for it in milk. The other two boys will have a sip and be happy. Evan doesn't usually put down his cup until he has emptied it. The not eating thing hasn't affected his health though. He is as tall as Dylan and really solid. He has a few coordination issues (probably because he walked so much later than the others) but it just adds to his adorableness. He has abs of steel and he's really strong. If he doesn't want to let go of something, he won't. He's still blond and blue eyed as ever. In the past few weeks though a lot of people have been saying that Evan's looks have changed a lot. More than the other two. I can see it. He's getting that little boy look.
Evan LOVES his daddy. He'll follow him around and hug his legs. He sometimes cries when Justin leaves for work in the morning. He climbs up onto his lap every chance he gets. They all do but Evan just a little bit more than the others.
Evan isn't afraid to try new things either. He comes across not so much as daring but as willing to give it a try. He doesn't feel a big need to do it but if he does it (like going down the slide) he laughs and enjoys it totally. Plus if he finds something that he wants to do and he is asked not to do it - he just smiles that smile at you and keeps doing it. Stinker... I also think he looks the most like Caden. Can you see it in this pic?

I love this little boy so much. He's beautiful and has a beautiful spirit. I can't believe that it has already been a year and a half and yet that is hardly any time at all. There is still so much I don't know about him. Who is he going to grow up to be? Whatever it is - he'll probably be happy:)Happy is just the word that I keep coming back to. He's happy to go outside. He's happy to play with his toys and his brothers. He's feisty though too. He knows what he wants and he'll fight for it. One of the things I really enjoy in my day is the reaction I get when I see Evan across the room or down the hall and I make eye contact with him and give him a smile. He lights right up, gives me that beautiful smile and cruises towards me to throw himself into my arms. AAAAHHHH super sweet.
I love to watch him play. He likes to put things into containers or to just tuck things somewhere. If I find a bunch of blocks in a boot - it was Evan. A pile of cars between the couch cushions - likely Evan. When he is done with his fruit or cheerios he'll put them all into the little built in cupholder in his high chair, all neat and tidy. Other times though he'll just throw them all on the floor - so you never know :)
Speaking of his high chair though - he's not eating much these days. He's pretty picky and I feel bad because I can't be making everybody something different so as long as he has a couple of choices on his plate - that's all he gets. He doesn't seem too upset though and he makes up for it in milk. The other two boys will have a sip and be happy. Evan doesn't usually put down his cup until he has emptied it. The not eating thing hasn't affected his health though. He is as tall as Dylan and really solid. He has a few coordination issues (probably because he walked so much later than the others) but it just adds to his adorableness. He has abs of steel and he's really strong. If he doesn't want to let go of something, he won't. He's still blond and blue eyed as ever. In the past few weeks though a lot of people have been saying that Evan's looks have changed a lot. More than the other two. I can see it. He's getting that little boy look.
Evan LOVES his daddy. He'll follow him around and hug his legs. He sometimes cries when Justin leaves for work in the morning. He climbs up onto his lap every chance he gets. They all do but Evan just a little bit more than the others.
Evan isn't afraid to try new things either. He comes across not so much as daring but as willing to give it a try. He doesn't feel a big need to do it but if he does it (like going down the slide) he laughs and enjoys it totally. Plus if he finds something that he wants to do and he is asked not to do it - he just smiles that smile at you and keeps doing it. Stinker... I also think he looks the most like Caden. Can you see it in this pic?
