It has been a very full week - as most are, in one way or another. We started out, last week, by getting our evergreen in our backyard cut down. Now I don't have to worry about pine needles in the kids sandbox and in the grass. We will plant more grass so the kids have more play area back there. It'll be a big project but worth it in the end. And less maintenance! "yay" says this yardwork hater.


Dylan is 26 lbs 8 oz and 32.5 inches tall
Evan is 24 lbs 6 oz and 31.5 inches tall
Liam is 21 lbs 8 oz and 30 inches tall
Since we were there and had time left, I decided to get Caden's 4 yr old booster shot too. That was nice - saved us another trip. He did fine. Now the little kids don't go again until they are 4 and Caden is done til grade 6. The kids didn't seem to be too bothered by it. They were very much their usual selves all day so that was good.
Every tuesday and thursday Caden has outdoor soccer. Here are a few pictures of him scoring a goal last night.
