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We're happy to announce a new addition to our home..... flooring!

I have good news. We ripped out our green carpet (it was in the living room and dining room (yuck) and down the hall and the front stairs) and installed flooring that I can wash! YAY. Life is much easier and cleaner now. Thank goodness because a couple days after we had it, one of the little boys knocked over Caden's cup of milk. I was very grateful to be able to just wipe it up. So, thanks to my mom and dad and our friend Tim for helping with the floor. Much appreciated!!

The kids are great but at 18 months they are certainly a handful. It's a little more than usual too because, with Justin working all day and then coming home to work on the floors, I haven't been away from them much at all in the past month. My patience is certainly waning. But I'm trying! They are extremely adorable and very funny though! Just not when they are crying because their brother stole their toy or sat on them, or they can't find the 3rd blanket so they fight over the one they do see, or they get into the dishwasher, pantry, computer desk when they shouldn't. It sort of feels like a test all the time. Can I think faster than they do? Not usually but I try. We've tried to do a few things to keep busy since it's been rainy forever. The kids haven't left this house in ages. Poor things. I at least left twice this week. The kids do not enjoy coloring yet. Would rather throw the crayons on the floor. Liam wants to lick or bite them so I might put that off again for a bit. What else? They like to climb so they fall of stuff all of the time. They like to play ball and cars. Those are the big things around here these days. Having our new floor makes driving the cars around a lot more fun. The kids have so many of those super cute moments. Dylan loves to run around and hug everyone - including all his brothers. It's so sweet. I just love their smiles and their cute little laughs. They love to sit and read more now. It's still hard to get those moments though because more often than not, when you start something like that, another kid needs you for something at the other end of the house. I won't give up though. I have always loved reading with Caden and I think it is so important to do that and to have a little time with each child on their own. Now I'm just watching the sky and looking forward to that warm summer weather that we look forward to for 9 months of the year so that we can have some fun outdoors. It's not good being this stir crazy at the end of May! Yikes.

In the meantime we'll keep working on the floor and baseboards and get that done. That's why I haven't been blogging much. Every minute is full. I haven't taken many pictures of the kids lately either so I'll try to do that and post some soon!


Unknown said…
YAY!! So happy for you guys, that has just got to feel awesome! I am so glad that you are finally able to make a few changes to make your lives a little easier.... and potty-training.... That will sure be nice!

Can't wait to see it, definately need to post some pics when it's all done!
Anonymous said…
I can't wait to see pictures!! I am happy you are able to get that done! Your space will be beautiful!

Excited to spend the weekend with you all!! See you in a couple of days!
JJM said…

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