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Our little Liam. He's going to hate that I called him that but I can't help it. All of his features and his movements are so 'fine'. He's adorable when he runs with his small quick steps and big smile. He has big beautiful brown eyes just like his brother Caden. He still has never needed a haircut beyond trimming a bit at the back. The fine hair comes from me - poor kid! I think he might be hitting a growth spurt because he is eating more than any of his brothers. He has been eating his portion and some of his brothers' too! And sleep - he sleeps really well, not waking up in the night much and will sleep 10 hours consistently. It's too bad that from 8 pm that only gets us to 6am. When he gets up though - he's in the mood to cuddle so it's a pretty sweet morning routine.

I can't get over what a sweetie Liam can be. He's a snuggler too. He's the most likely to curl up on your lap and cuddle there for a while. I love it.

He has a cute little voice too and he loves to try lots of different sounds, one of those being a high pitched scream that he usually uses when he is excited (like when Caden chases him around the house) or trying to get my attention. He's smart that way. He gets the whole "squeaky wheel gets the grease" thing. If his brothers do any thing to him or take anything away from him we all hear about it. DRAMATIC! He will throw himself on the floor and squeal away. He looks up occasionally to make sure someone is paying attention. And when he gets mad for real - whoa - he'll reject anything you try to give him, even throwing it on the ground to make a point. On the flip side though - he can be the happiest little guy - just bouncing around, playing and being silly. He loves to laugh and to make all of us laugh. He likes music a lot and is a really big fan of tv. When we turn it on he giggles and gets all excited and when we turn it off; Not a happy boy!

The word for Liam that is coming to mind would be 'cautious'. He's not likely to jump into things full force. He wants to make sure it's ok first. That makes me think that he won't fall for every story he is told. I think people are going to have to earn his trust. He's not big on new things and is VERY hesitant when we try to get him to do things. Thankfully though, he will calm down eventually and once he likes it and knows what it is (like his bath or a swing) then he's fine. So, at the moment, risks are not his thing but he loves to play and to be outside and do things at his own pace.

He draws people to him like you would not believe. He always has someone that wants to hold him and play with him. He gives people this lovable little look that melts their hearts and gets them to do his bidding. Adorable. He's stubborn as all get out too. When he wants something you can't change his mind. Such a big personality in that little package. I can't help myself but to hug him all the time. I guess he has us under his spell too!


Unknown said…
He is a snuggler, I loved cuddling with him. Thanks for the little bio's Jen, it's nice to get the update!
Tim said…
those descriptions are all great Jen - every time I see your boys I enjoy their uniqueness...

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