Caden turns 6 today!! Here are a few recent pictures of our oldest. He's our first miracle and the treasure of our hearts. We are so proud of him.
We are having his birthday party on saturday and have invited his entire kindergarten class and most of them are planning to come. It feels right for our social butterfly to have everyone. It'll feel like a real celebration. That's for sure! I've been getting stuff together for awhile now and I'm almost as excited about it as he is. He chose the theme and the preparations are coming together!!
The "Thanks for Coming" birds are monster cookies. We have angry bird hats, cups, plates, napkins (only one store was carrying this stuff. I had to make the hats). And the little baggie has the angry bird toothpicks we made to stick into the cupcakes. What fun!!
They were forecasting sunshine for saturday until yesterday. Now it looks like rain so stay tuned for the results of 20 hyper kindergarten kids having to be inside plus the triplets. Don't you wish you could be here ;)
And naturally, in true Mooney fashion we have linoleum being installed tomorrow. We love to plan reno's in the middle of other events. I'm certainly not bored. To tell the truth. I am in my element and having an absolute ball.
I have to confess this too - I was sitting outside at Caden's soccer game last night and it was absolutely freezing and I realized that I didn't want to be anywhere else in that moment. I just shivered and smiled and cheered for an hour. I'm also loving that we are finally getting to know more and more people in our community. It's really great!
Ok - that's it for now. I have to go actually pay for the flooring now. Hope everyone has a great day!
Oh - and if you want to send Caden a little note - just post it in the comment section here and I'll get it to him. He'd love that!! Thanks!