Ok people, I've had enough! Being sluggish is not my favorite feeling so I made a change. I'm working out and eating a lot better. But, how long will it last? That is usually the question but I'm sick of feeling tired and gross and lazy, so I hope this is going to be for the long term. There were days where I would lay in bed and feel like I just could not get up and do another day. Being healthy and fit is important. That energy level is what determines our Living Life level. Everyone can get that a million different ways but for me it has been working out with Jillian Michaels videos. It's nicer out now so life will just be that much more active but I kind of like that work out time to get my day going. I get a TONNE done on those days. This is just one aspect of my new life plan (yes, I think in plans - do you people know me?) which is basically "get your head out of the sand and make this life a good one! For yourself and everyone else". It's been just about a month and I feel so much better and am thinking clearer and just moving more intentionally in my life. Now that the boys are bigger I really have no excuse. I'm not too tired (usually) and videos are something I can do at home so I can't say I don't have time. I totally do. If anyone out there knows of a good deal on a treadmill that would be awesome too but maybe someday I'll have the oomph to get up early and go for a run before the kids get up (that would be 6 and I know some of you do that - way to go). That'll only last until it gets cold again though. Whatever it is, I need to keep moving. I have lots of motivation. The biggest one being that I'm an 'older' parent to little kids and I've got to keep up!! I saw my friend post that she was racing her girls (high school age) on her bike this week and could outdo them! (Way to go by the way!). When my kids are in high school, I'll be 50 - so I'm going to have to stick to this!
It was a cool day. Almost too cold. The kind of cold that makes you rethink your very existence.... Boy. I am waaaay to tired for that. So I will give you the un-dramatic version. So, we are getting bombarded with requests for an update and pictures. So I will oblige and provide you with all the gory details. Actually, there are no gory details. In what can only be described as an amazing answer to many prayers, the new Mooney babies were brought into this world with no problems what so ever. We entered the hospital at 10:00 in the morning and were taken to the surgery room around 12:00 noon. At exactly 12:38, the first baby, Dylan Michael was born weighing in at 6 pounds even. Then, also at 12:38, Evan Timothy also charged into the world weighing in at 5.2 pounds. Then, at 12:39 Liam David was born weighing 4.8 pounds. For those of you good at math, that is a whopping 16 pounds worth of babies. 16 POUNDS!!! And even though them just being born at 36 weeks and 5 days isn...