It is finally here - the day has come that the little boys can play soccer. They were anxiously awaiting this day. Waiting and asking. Liam was the most persistent about knowing when soccer would be and felt very put out when Caden played on Monday and he didn't get to! So, after watching the rain come and go all day and holding our breaths, we saw the sun come out and the field fill up with adorable little kids in their cute little soccer jerseys and lots of smiling parents. Because this is one of the cutest things ever! We thought it would be considerate of us to have Justin coach since we make up most of the team. I have to say i went into this very naively! Don't I know my kids by now? So while Justin was busy with the other 5 kids, who listened and followed his instructions, I was trying to talk my boys into listening and participating, going from one to the other to the other. At one point Liam starting walking home since we were playing in the field right behind our house. I had been trying to get Evan off the net so the other kids could take their shots and took a quick count to see that one was missing. Remember that Justin is coaching so he can't help. Here I thought the kids would be right in there with dad. Not so much. Needless to say, by the end, I was exhausted. At least one of us got some exercise. I should say that they did do a few of the skill things and Dylan played during the game. The other two wouldn't play at all. So - that is game number one and I'm still chuckling a little at the circus our life is. It's hilarious. Here are a few pictures. SO CUTE!
It was a cool day. Almost too cold. The kind of cold that makes you rethink your very existence.... Boy. I am waaaay to tired for that. So I will give you the un-dramatic version. So, we are getting bombarded with requests for an update and pictures. So I will oblige and provide you with all the gory details. Actually, there are no gory details. In what can only be described as an amazing answer to many prayers, the new Mooney babies were brought into this world with no problems what so ever. We entered the hospital at 10:00 in the morning and were taken to the surgery room around 12:00 noon. At exactly 12:38, the first baby, Dylan Michael was born weighing in at 6 pounds even. Then, also at 12:38, Evan Timothy also charged into the world weighing in at 5.2 pounds. Then, at 12:39 Liam David was born weighing 4.8 pounds. For those of you good at math, that is a whopping 16 pounds worth of babies. 16 POUNDS!!! And even though them just being born at 36 weeks and 5 days isn...